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LoopCV is a job search automation platform that helps users land jobs by automating the application process, allowing for mass applications, auto-emailing recruiters, and providing statistics to optimize job searches


Supernormal is an AI-powered tool that helps users take meeting notes, format them automatically, and integrate with existing tools for better organization and productivity.


Wiseone is an AI-powered reading tool that enhances online reading experience, provides reliable information, and offers instant answers to complex questions.


reciTAL is an intelligent document processing platform that offers a high-performance, reliable, and easy-to-implement solution for capturing, typing, and searching various types of documents and emails, utilizing the latest AI technologies and ensuring security and confidentiality

Noa Coach Ai

Noa Coach is an online coaching platform that offers customizable neuroscience-backed resources for corporate wellbeing strategies.


Siit is an internal help desk software that streamlines employee support, automates processes, and enhances team productivity without sacrificing employee experience

Eclipse AI

Eclipse AI is a platform that unifies and analyzes voice-of-customer data from various channels, providing actionable insights to improve customer experiences and drive business growth, offering a free plan with 24/7 support and bank-level security


Userdoc is a powerful requirements management system that helps teams create, store, and utilize user personas throughout the product development process, ultimately leading to a more successful product that meets and exceeds user expectations
