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AI Tools catalog


173 tools found


Shopia is an AI-powered platform that combines research and writing capabilities, allowing users to generate factual SEO-optimized articles, research webpages and files, and access over 100 AI templates.

Eilla AI

Eilla AI is a platform that automates mundane tasks and supports complex decision-making in the M&A, VC, and PE deal workflow, mirroring high-quality industry professionals

Caspa AI

Caspa AI is a platform that allows users to create and customize AI-generated images in minutes, using cutting-edge generative AI technology

Content Creation
Keyword Insights AI

Keyword Insights is an AI-driven content marketing platform that offers features such as keyword generation, clustering, and AI-assisted content briefs, helping users automate and optimize their content strategy


Signapse AI is a company that provides AI-powered sign language translation for websites and videos to make content more accessible for the Deaf community.

Developer Tools
Hiphops AI

Hiphops AI is a platform that allows developers to inject AI into their workflows and automate administrative tasks through auto-generated UIs, containerized steps, and multiple integrations.


Genei is an AI-powered summarization and research tool that helps users improve their productivity by automatically condensing background reading and generating blogs, articles, and reports faster

Artificial Intelligence
Molin AI

Molin AI is an advanced AI language model that solves complex problems and provides more accurate answers than any AI chatbot on the market, integrates into all of the e-commerce platforms and any other types of websites, and can detect and resolve issues in 95 languages.


Magicflow is a productivity tracker that uses AI to help you focus, figure out how your sleep and exercise habits affect your productivity, and track how much time you spend in all your apps.
