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AI Tools catalog


1131 tools found

Life Assistants
TechDrive Support Inc

TechDrive Support Inc is a tech service provider in the USA, offering printer support services and other tech assistance.


NeuralText is an AI writing assistant and SEO tool that automates organic competitor research, content outline creation, and optimization, offering features such as keyword suggestions, content briefs, and AI-generated copy.

Vanna AI

Vanna.AI is a personalized AI SQL agent that generates and runs accurate SQL for databases using LLMs via retrieval-augmented generation, with capabilities tied to the training data provided

Rask AI

Rask AI is a leading AI video localization and dubbing tool that can translate content into 130+ languages, expanding reach and engagement for global marketers and content creators


Waitroom is a live video platform designed to facilitate short, authentic conversations between well-known individuals and their followers, fostering community engagement and authentic human connection

Atmo AI

Atmo AI aims to provide tailored and cost-effective weather prediction solutions to support nations worldwide, ensuring accessible and clear information for citizens, businesses, and organizations to act upon.

Developer Tools

Ace is an AI co-pilot for engineering leadership that provides insights into team performance, collaboration, and skill demands, helping managers and developers achieve extraordinary results

Socratic by Google

Socratic is a learning platform that covers various subjects, provides visual explanations, and uses Google AI for text and speech recognition, catering to both teachers and students.

Life Assistants
AIPEX Virtual Concierge

AIPEX is an AI-powered platform that provides voice and touchscreen technology solutions to hospitality and senior living use cases, delivering innovative ways for hotels and vacation rentals to enhance guest experience and promote repeat bookings.
