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AI Tools catalog


1229 tools found


Ravyn is an AI sales tool that helps companies track insights and increase revenue by providing hyper-personalized engagement experiences with high conversion rates

Yaara AI is an AI-powered writing tool that helps users generate high-quality, SEO-driven content over 1,000 words in a single shot, beat writer's block, and write website copy that sells the benefits, not just the features.


DemandCapture is a company that specializes in intent-based services, machine learning sales development, and appointment setting solutions to help businesses generate more revenue and attract valuable leads.


Intellimize is an AI-driven website optimization platform that offers personalized website experiences for any marketing campaign, including A/B testing, rules-based personalization, and generative AI copy suggestions.

Ai Detection
Crossplags AI detector

The AI Content Detector by Crossplag is a tool that uses machine learning to identify and flag potential AI-generated content, providing a percentage-based result indicating the likelihood of the content being written by an AI, with three result outputs: Human, Mix, and AI

Websites & Design
Galileo AI

Galileo AI is a text-to-UI platform that enables users to design and generate features with ease and efficiency


Hayo is an AI-integrated mobile application that offers AI chat, AI art creation, AI tool recommendation, and technological innovation communication, aiming to provide a highly creative and convenient AI experience


FollowerSearch is a tool that provides historical Twitter data and Twitter archive search, helping users find top influencers related to a particular Twitter Hashtag or Twitter campaign

Content Creation
Narrato Workspace

Narrato is an AI content creation and workflow software used by content marketers, writers, agencies, and content publishers to create and collaborate on content, manage large teams of writers and editors, and generate AI images with just a few words.
