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AI Tools catalog


23 tools found

Life Assistants

Real Fake is a service that uses AI to generate professional headshots from uploaded photos, with over 16,000 satisfied customers and a focus on affordability and convenience

Storytelling Generator
Talestime is a platform that allows users to create their own bedtime stories using artificial intelligence, aiming to inspire creativity and imagination

Art Generator
MyPrint AI is an AI tool that generates unique artworks from personal photos, allowing users to create and print beautiful artworks with ease and stunning quality.

No Code

Kleap is an AI website builder that allows users to create engaging pages in seconds with an AI content generator, and offers integration with other tools, data export, and integration with email marketing and CRM tools.

Vocol AI

Vocol.AI is a powerful conversational AI tool that provides multilingual transcription, meeting summaries, and collaboration functions, making it suitable for remote classes, digital learning, and meeting efficiency

Social Networks is a platform designed to protect social media accounts from negativity, complaints, hate, and spam, offering a solution for moderating and safeguarding brand presence on social media.

Generai is a website that may be related to generative AI art, which has raised concerns about its impact on creativity and ethical boundaries in the art industry

Lalal AI

LALAL.AI is a website that offers a Vocal Remover and Instrumental AI Splitter tool, and users can register or log in to their account via email, Google, or Facebook.

Language Learning

Quazel is an AI-powered language learning app that allows users to have natural conversations in a foreign language, anytime and anywhere
