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AI Tools catalog


79 tools found

Assistant Code
Codesquire AI is an AI code writing assistant for data scientists, engineers, and analysts, offering code completions and suggestions as you type


Medgic is a platform that offers skin problem scanning, analysis, and detection services in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Portuguese, and Hindi.

Human Resources
Qureos Resume Builder

Qureos offers a free online resume builder designed to help job seekers create a winning resume that showcases their work, personality, and skills, based on feedback from 1,000+ users, recruiter expertise, and hiring best practices.


Emvoice is a next-generation vocal synthesis software that uses a cloud-based engine to reconstruct thousands of samples and translate English-language words into phonemes to generate realistic singer's voice.


Katteb is an AI-powered writing software that utilizes rigorous fact-checking techniques to deliver you content of the highest credibility, ensuring to provide you with reliable information supported by credible sources and in-text citations.

Storytelling Generator
Storyboard Hero

StoryboardHero is an AI storyboard generator that simplifies the process of creating storyboards into just seven easy steps.

Designs AI is an AI-powered platform that allows users to create logos, videos, banners, and more in a matter of minutes.

Trade Foresight

Trade Foresight is a global trade platform that provides businesses with insights, information, and tools necessary to succeed in international trade, including personalized dashboards, global trade analytics, and a trader's lounge.

Project Management
Small Steps

FlexOS offers a free AI Action Plan generator called "Small Steps" that helps users break down tasks into small steps to make it easier to take the first step towards achieving their goals.
