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AI Tools catalog


74 tools found


Vidby is a Switzerland-based company that offers fast and automated video translation and dubbing services in over 50 languages, using AI technology to help businesses and content creators reach a wider audience and attract customers

ChatGPT Extensions
Gold Retriever AI

Gold Retriever is an open-source tool powered by Jina and DocArray that enables ChatGPT to interact with personalized and up-to-date data, making AI interactions more meaningful, accurate, and personal.

Developer Tools

Nuclia is an API that allows developers to build AI-powered search engines in minutes, with features such as data processing, search, and indexing, and it is used by universities and companies to solve discoverability problems and comply with legal regulations.

Storytelling Generator
Talestime is a platform that allows users to create their own bedtime stories using artificial intelligence, aiming to inspire creativity and imagination

Life Assistants

Real Fake is a service that uses AI to generate professional headshots from uploaded photos, with over 16,000 satisfied customers and a focus on affordability and convenience

GetResponse Email Generator

GetResponse's AI Email Generator uses innovative GPT-3.5 technology to create engaging emails in record time, tailored to industry trends and specific keywords, leading to a significant decrease in email creation time for users.


BOOLV is a web solution that offers a range of AI-powered tools for image editing, copywriting, and video making, including Boolpic, Boolvideo Lite, and Booltool.

Keytrends AI

KeyTrends is a content marketing tool that simplifies and unifies all phases of your content strategy, allowing you to monitor the real-time evolution of search trends to optimize your content in just a few minutes, and it also offers data-driven AI to create AI content for people.


MowaAI is an AI data analyst that aims to simplify data analysis and elevate the level of data literacy within organizations.
