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AI Tools catalog


188 tools found


Auxworld is a diverse and imaginative online platform offering unique adventures, from soccer in a snowy New York to a universe spun from a Taylor Swift song.

Flawless AI

Flawless AI is a filmmaking tool that uses DeepEditor to create new dialogue and avoid the costs of physically filmed reshoots, and is designed to integrate seamlessly into film production, localization, and distribution workflows.


Albus is an AI-powered platform that helps users explore, learn, and create with the assistance of large language models and machine learning services, saving time and attention while sparking new ideas


Flowpoint is an AI-powered website analytics tool that helps uncover reasons for user drop-off, allowing you to understand and improve user behavior and engagement.

Zazzani AI

Zazzani AI is a revolutionary AI product that accelerates workflow and productivity, enabling users to create articles, art, code, and find answers to their questions with ease

Nova AI

Nova A.I. is an online video editing tool that offers features such as subtitle generation, text-to-speech generation, video translation, video merging, and resizing, and it also provides access to a vast digital asset library.


MySocialPulse is a platform that provides corporate insights and emotional intelligence data for businesses to access the social pulse of their customers, consumers, employees, partners, and wider population.

No Code

Fliplet is a no-code development platform that offers solutions for businesses to create mobile and web apps, including client solutions, marketing solutions, eCommerce solutions, emergency management, service delivery solutions, innovation management, work allocation, project management, IT solutions, training solutions, and asset management.

Songs Like X

Songs Like X is a platform that offers a similar song finder and playlist generator, allowing users to input their favorite track and receive a playlist of similar songs, with an exclusive offer for a Songs Like X Pro subscription.
