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AI Tools catalog


84 tools found

Task Management
Taskheat AI Assistant

Taskheat is a visual task management app available for Mac, iPad, and iPhone, allowing users to create flowcharts to visualize and manage task dependencies, with an AI Assistant feature and a free trial period

No Code
Generative BI

Generative BI is a new, advanced type of business intelligence that leverages generative AI and augmented analytics to transform data into a dynamic resource for generating proactive, predictive insights, reshaping how businesses interact with and leverage their data

Speech To Text

Vocapia is a leading provider of speech-to-text software and services, offering solutions for broadcast monitoring, lecture and seminar transcription, video subtitling, and conference call transcription

ChatSite By Databerry is a platform that provides AI-powered chatbots for businesses, allowing users to upload data and interact with the AI for assistance.


Lettria is a no-code AI platform for text analysis, offering natural language processing (NLP) solutions to enrich CRMs, analyze customer feedback, and structure data using semantic categorization and knowledge graphs

Human Resources
Wave AI

Wave AI offers high-end coaching for managers and executives, providing confidential support and tailored-fit coaching experiences to help individuals reach their professional goals

VanillaHR Hiring Platform

VanillaHR is an AI-powered all-in-one hiring platform that provides an integrated calendar, customized hiring, and user-friendly UX to source, attract, qualify, and interview the best candidates based on specific hiring needs.

Aiter is a platform that provides one-click AI ads, AI content, and strategy ideas for businesses looking to improve their online presence and streamline their marketing efforts.


Submagic is an AI-powered tool that helps content creators produce captivating short-form videos with ease, offering features like auto-accurate captions, trendy templates, and magic auto-zooms.
