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AI Tools catalog


1135 tools found

Human Resources
Teal Resume Builder

The Teal AI Resume Builder is a free online tool that uses AI technology to create, edit, and optimize resumes, allowing users to import their LinkedIn profile or existing resume and tailor each resume to fit a specific job description, ultimately making it quick and easy to create an optimized resume


Coginiti AI Advisor is a tool that simplifies SQL development, accelerates the creation of data and analytic products, and empowers data professionals to write, understand, and optimize SQL through responsible generative AI capabilities, providing instant query assistance and on-demand learning resources

Language Learning
Lorro is a platform that helps users become fluent English speakers at a low cost by interacting with an AI tutor

Heights Platform

Heights AI is an AI-powered course creation platform that offers features such as course idea review, web page SEO analysis, instant chat support, product editing, and more, aiming to assist online course creators and coaches in building and scaling their businesses

Eventual AI is a platform that explores the potential of artificial intelligence, its applications, and the challenges it faces in becoming more sentient and capable.

Developer Tools

JamGPT is an AI debugging assistant developed by Jam, which helps developers fix bugs faster and is available for free, aiming to improve the bug reporting process

Shownotes is a platform that helps users transcribe and summarize podcasts, making them more accessible and engaging for listeners.


Chatfuel is a messaging platform that allows e-commerce marketers and business owners to increase lead generation and qualification, upsell, cross-sell, and boost revenue on WhatsApp, and also offers a no-code chatbot builder that minimizes the number of clicks it takes from build to launch your chatbot, and can help with SEO, content marketing, ads, and more.

Youper AI

Youper is an empathetic and clinically validated chatbot using artificial intelligence to provide mental health support, incorporating cognitive behavioral therapy techniques and proven effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression
