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AI Tools catalog


48 tools found

Jungle AI

Jungle AI is an AI technology company that applies artificial intelligence to improve the performance of machinery, including renewable energy sources, and offers an AI-powered asset management app called Canopy, which uses historical data to predict component failures and identify poor performance

Maya Travel Assistant

Maya is an AI travel assistant that can help create a personalized trip plan, recommend destinations, and suggest hotels based on budget and travel style, leveraging ChatGPT and Live the World's travel expertise

ioni is an AI chatbot solution for customer support, capable of providing auto-responses to inquiries by analyzing user requests and previous interactions, and it can recognize customer inquiries at a human-level.

Life Assistants

PiktID's EraseID AI face anonymizer is a tool that generates fresh identities from images, allowing for privacy protection and commercial use without exposing biometric data.

Artificial Intelligence

Clariteia's landing page offers GenAI powered product planning, allowing users to explore roadmaps organized by features or epics and generate implementation details for development with just a click.

Developer Tools

Nuclia is an API that allows developers to build AI-powered search engines in minutes, with features such as data processing, search, and indexing, and it is used by universities and companies to solve discoverability problems and comply with legal regulations.


iTranslate is a language translation and communication app that allows users to translate text, websites, and start voice conversations in over 100 languages, with offline mode available in four languages, and prioritizes user privacy and data protection.

Storytelling Generator

Oscar Stories is an app that generates personalized bedtime stories for children, featuring them as the main characters and embedding important life lessons into the stories.


Auphonic is an all-in-one audio post-production web tool that allows users to achieve professional quality results, with features such as automatic speech recognition, shownotes, and chapters, and can be used for free for up to 2 hours of audio each month.
