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AI Tools catalog


54 tools found

Websites & Design
Piktochart AI

Piktochart AI is a free tool that allows users to quickly and easily create visually appealing infographics on any topic using AI-generated templates that can be customized to enhance the visual story while remaining on-brand.

Smartwriter is an AI-powered platform that helps users create personalized and hyper-personalized messages for cold emails, saving time and providing unique data points about customers


Telescope is a software development company based in Los Angeles, California, with 51-200 employees, and it is also an instrument that allows people to see distant objects, important in astronomy

Eclipse AI

Eclipse AI is a platform that unifies and analyzes voice-of-customer data from various channels, providing actionable insights to improve customer experiences and drive business growth, offering a free plan with 24/7 support and bank-level security

Websites & Design
Canva AI

Canva is a visual suite that allows users to design, collaborate, create presentations, and edit videos, with a free app available for download.

Content Creation

Focia is a machine learning-powered platform that enables creators and marketers to rank, compare, and predict the engagement of their content before posting it online.

Noa Coach Ai

Noa Coach is an online coaching platform that offers customizable neuroscience-backed resources for corporate wellbeing strategies.


Medoo is a smart coaching software that organizes coaching items, surfaces goals and actions, and provides check-in reminders, aiming to create a frictionless experience for building new habits

Study Squeeze

StudySqueeze is a platform that uses AI to create flashcards, summaries, diagrams, and more, allowing users to streamline note-taking and transform learning materials into various formats
