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AI Tools catalog


61 tools found

Buzzy Ai

Buzzy is an AI-powered platform that helps users turn their ideas into fully functional web or mobile apps in just a few minutes, even if they don't have any coding experience.

Gift Ideas

The Almowafir Gift Hunter is an AI-powered tool that provides personalized gift recommendations based on various input criteria, helping users find the perfect gift and save money through exclusive coupons and discounts


Copilot2trip is a free AI-powered personal travel assistant that offers instant itineraries, real-time re-planning, and adaptive travel experiences, aiming to simplify and enhance the travel planning process

Search Engine
Komo Search is an AI-powered search engine that prioritizes user search journeys, offering an interactive and personalized search experience that utilizes advanced search algorithms and machine learning techniques to deliver accurate, fast, and delightful search results.


Katteb is an AI-powered writing software that utilizes rigorous fact-checking techniques to deliver you content of the highest credibility, ensuring to provide you with reliable information supported by credible sources and in-text citations.

Human Resources

Enboarder is a human connection platform that aims to increase retention, alignment, and engagement at every stage of the employee lifecycle by creating meaningful connections and fostering a sense of belonging and value among co-workers

Text Generators
Samwell is an AI-powered tool for writing essays and research papers, offering features such as audio summaries, plagiarism-free content, in-text citations, and related videos, with different pricing packages based on word count limits

Eclipse AI

Eclipse AI is a platform that unifies and analyzes voice-of-customer data from various channels, providing actionable insights to improve customer experiences and drive business growth, offering a free plan with 24/7 support and bank-level security

No Code
Mixo AI is an AI-powered platform that allows users to launch websites, landing pages, and email content quickly and easily, using cutting-edge AI technology and an intuitive design interface.
