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AI Tools catalog


138 tools found

FYRAN is a platform that offers a wide range of features and services, including digital human support, MP3 integration, and multiple language support

Life Assistants
Facial Assessment Tool

The QOVES Facial Assessment Tool offers a detailed analysis of facial characteristics, including predicted race and age, skin health, and dermatological skin scale, based on 35,000 images and 112 parameters, catering to 7 different races and various skin-related characteristics


Userdoc is a powerful requirements management system that helps teams create, store, and utilize user personas throughout the product development process, ultimately leading to a more successful product that meets and exceeds user expectations

Eclipse AI

Eclipse AI is a platform that unifies and analyzes voice-of-customer data from various channels, providing actionable insights to improve customer experiences and drive business growth, offering a free plan with 24/7 support and bank-level security

Deep Genomics

Deep Genomics is a company that uses advanced artificial intelligence to develop treatments for genetic diseases.

Smartwriter is an AI-powered platform that helps users create personalized and hyper-personalized messages for cold emails, saving time and providing unique data points about customers


Tactiq is a live transcription service for Google Meet, Zoom, and MS Teams, providing secure and accurate transcripts using high-grade encryption

Search Engine
Omnisearch AI

Omnisearch is an AI-powered search engine that seamlessly integrates with websites, allowing users to easily search and find specific content, including video transcripts, and was founded with the vision to revolutionize content search

Search Engine

HotBot is a search engine that helps users find information more efficiently by providing smart search results and adding value to their browsing experience.
