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AI Tools catalog


18 tools found

Life Assistants
Thekeys is an AI chat platform designed for dealerships, offering a "Take a Demo Drive" feature on their website and providing a privacy policy and terms of use.

Life Assistants
Sports Prediction AI

Sports Prediction AI is an AI tool that uses the latest AI technology to analyze and process data from various sources to generate accurate predictions for premier sports events around the globe, providing users with investment advice service to make informed decisions on their sports investments.

Life Assistants
Woebot Health

Woebot Health is an AI-powered platform that creates interventions for specific uses and patient populations, available for new users in the United States and offering a range of career opportunities.

Life Assistants
Network AI

NetworkAI by Wonsulting is an AI-powered networking tool that helps job seekers connect with industry professionals and write personalized LinkedIn messages.

Life Assistants

The link provided does not contain any information that can be used to provide a general description.

Life Assistants

Replika is an AI companion designed to provide positive feedback and emotional support, offering a unique and personalized experience for each user

Life Assistants

Ferret is a relationship intelligence platform that uses AI and global data to provide curated insights, helping users avoid high-risk individuals and identify promising opportunities in their personal and professional networks.

Life Assistants

Charlie is a personal journalist who provides insightful and engaging content.

Life Assistants
AIPEX Virtual Concierge

AIPEX is an AI-powered platform that provides voice and touchscreen technology solutions to hospitality and senior living use cases, delivering innovative ways for hotels and vacation rentals to enhance guest experience and promote repeat bookings.
