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AI Tools catalog


17 tools found

Life Assistants
Rewind AI

Rewind is a privacy-first, AI-powered app that helps users stay organized and focused, offering personalized experiences for note-taking and productivity.

Life Assistants

Embra is an AI assistant designed for teams and professionals, offering features such as workflow automation, command creation, and high-quality writing

Life Assistants

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Life Assistants
Glass It Price Tracker

Glass It is a browser extension that helps users monitor online deals and discounts, allowing them to save money and shop when prices drop

Life Assistants

Upstract is a platform that provides general information on various topics, including technology, finance, and law.

Life Assistants

Chat Genius is an AI chatbot app that provides accurate and reliable information, allows users to create personalized virtual assistants, and offers features such as generating images and code in various languages

Life Assistants
AIPEX Virtual Concierge

AIPEX is an AI-powered platform that provides voice and touchscreen technology solutions to hospitality and senior living use cases, delivering innovative ways for hotels and vacation rentals to enhance guest experience and promote repeat bookings.

Life Assistants

BlackInk AI is a platform that allows users to create unique flash tattoos in seconds.

Life Assistants

Replika is an AI companion designed to provide positive feedback and emotional support, offering a unique and personalized experience for each user
