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AI Tools catalog


72 tools found

Human Resources
Fordi AI provides real-time feedback and AI assistance for driving performance.

Human Resources

Resumatic is an AI-powered resume builder that offers user-friendly platform with top-notch AI functionality and valuable insights for improving resumes.

Human Resources

iApply Limited is an AI-based career finder and smart job portal that uses artificial intelligence to match candidates with suitable job opportunities.

Human Resources
Teal Resume Builder

The Teal AI Resume Builder is a free online tool that uses AI technology to create, edit, and optimize resumes, allowing users to import their LinkedIn profile or existing resume and tailor each resume to fit a specific job description, ultimately making it quick and easy to create an optimized resume

Human Resources

TalentGuard is a workforce intelligence platform that helps companies manage and optimize their talent through skills-based learning, talent automation, and succession planning, aiming to elevate organizational success and employee engagement

Human Resources

InterviewCoachAI is an AI-driven interview preparation platform that offers personalized preparation tailored to an individual's career, job role, company, and interviewer.

Human Resources

Enboarder is a human connection platform that aims to increase retention, alignment, and engagement at every stage of the employee lifecycle by creating meaningful connections and fostering a sense of belonging and value among co-workers

Human Resources

Loxo is a recruiting CRM ATS Talent Intelligence Platform, offering a user interface and product design aimed at simplifying the candidate management process

Human Resources
Magical AI

The website offers a range of resources and information related to various aspects of magic and the supernatural.
