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AI Tools catalog


36 tools found

Assistant Code
AI Code Converter is an AI-powered platform that offers a Code Converter and Code Generator, enabling the translation of code into different programming languages and the automatic generation of high-quality code snippets and templates, aiming to simplify the coding process for developers.

Assistant Code
Tabninie AI

Tabnine is an AI assistant that provides code completion functionality and boosts development productivity, while also offering privacy and security features such as local adaptation and fully isolated mode.

Assistant Code

Code-GPT is an extension for Visual Studio Code that provides instant explanations for code within the code editor using AI, allowing for comprehensive code understanding and real-time code suggestions

Assistant Code
Cron AI

Cron AI is a tool that helps automate tasks by using cron expressions to define the frequency and timing of each task, improving efficiency and ensuring consistent performance

Assistant Code
Mars Ai

MarsX is a free development tool that allows users to build web and mobile apps using a combination of no-code and code interfaces, enabling the creation and modification of micro-apps for various purposes, such as NFT marketplaces, gig economies, and social networks

Assistant Code
Code Autopilot

CodeAutopilot is an AI software development team that listens to repository issues and provides proposed solutions, cutting down troubleshooting time and ensuring code quality.

Assistant Code
Codium LTD

CodiumAI offers AI-powered code completion, search, and chat, supporting over 70 languages and integrating with popular IDEs like VS Code and JetBrains

Assistant Code
Stenography AI is a platform that provides general information about stenography, a method of writing shorthand text using a set of symbols to represent longhand writing.

Assistant Code

The text2sql tool from allows users to convert natural language to SQL queries online, with the ability to create simple select queries and more complicated queries such as joins
