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Spoke AI

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#31 is an AI-powered inbox that summarizes conversations and notifications from various sources, including Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Gmail, to help users prioritize and take action on the most important topics.


  • 💬 Priority Inbox: offers a priority inbox for product builders that allows users to see notifications from sources that really matter to them.
  • 🤖 AI-powered Inbox: The inbox is powered by AI, which helps users understand the context immediately and take the next steps effortlessly.
  • 📝 Summarization Feature:’s summarization feature allows users to quickly get up to speed on conversations and help the team to move forward.
  • 📅 Reminder Feature: Users can remind themselves without ever writing it down, which helps them to always be the one that remembers to follow up.
  • 🚀 Increased Speed: Using, users can increase their speed of answering and action important topics faster than ever.


  • 📥 Priority Inbox for Product Builders: All of your tools in one AI-powered Inbox. Never worry about FOMO again. Only see notifications from sources that really matter to you. Your speed of answering will increase. Understand the context immediately and take the next steps effortlessly. You will always be the one that always remembers to follow up. Remind yourself without ever writing it down.
  • 🔍 Summarization Feature: Being able to forget about a channel and turn off all notifications and then only spend 5 minutes every morning looking at a summary. This is a game changer. I like that my team have the digest set up so that they’re not spending too much time in areas where they don’t need to focus. This way they can get more work done. I have to be in 10 places at once. Spoke helps me prioritize the most important topics and action them faster than ever. So far I am loving it on long threads with developers. Those summaries are really good! This is such a tool for CEOs. I just go into the product thread with 50 messages, hit summarise and it actually tells me what the team is working on. Nice job!
  • ⏰ Time-saving Notifications: Only see notifications from sources that really matter to you. Your speed of answering will increase.
  • 💡 Context Understanding: Understand the context immediately and take the next steps effortlessly.
  • 📝 Reminder Functionality: Remind yourself without ever writing it down.


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FAQ is built with 5 technologies, including Webflow and Google Fonts.
The Spoke meeting report feature is an AI-powered tool that creates instant AI meeting reports, complete with the recording and specific details about your workflow, such as CRM used and pain expressed.

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