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#22 is a platform that offers AI-powered text and video summarization services, providing short summaries for editorial content, making it easy to integrate and scale for multiple use cases


  • 💻 Smart summarization API: offers a powerful text summarization API that can be easily integrated and scaled for multiple use cases. It provides short summaries for editorial content, which is perfect for previewing content and giving users just enough information to pique their interest.


  • 💻 Smart Webpage & Video Summary: offers a powerful text summarization API that can be integrated into multiple use cases. It provides short summaries for editorial content, which is perfect for previewing content and giving users just enough information to pique their interest.
  • 🌎 US Autocomplete API: Smarty’s US Autocomplete Pro API provides suggestions that are fully verified USPS addresses. It uses fuzzy logic during searching to allow for missing directionals and street suffixes, substitution of street suffixes and secondary designators, and full or partial spelling of street suffixes and secondary designators. It also allows for multiple cities in a single state and provides filter keywords for common state collections such as allstates.
  • 📈 Smart Contracts on Blockchain: Smart contracts can be used to improve digital advertising campaigns, paperwork processing, identity management, and insurance industry relationships. They are self-executing programs based on if-then logic that can automate processes and improve efficiency.
  • 📊 Case Study Examples: Case studies are particularly effective as a sales technique. They can be used to show how other people are effectively using a product or service. For example, Network demonstrated how their product was used by Vortex Co. with great success, instantly showing other potential customers that their tool works and is worth using.
  • 🚗 Edge Computing Use Cases: Autonomous vehicles, smart cities, stronger security, and healthcare are some of the top use cases for edge computing. It can be used to analyze real-time data and improve safety, reliability, and efficiency in various industries.
Tech Used
Node.js, React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Next.js

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