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Scribens is a popular French language tool, with over 58 million visitors in 2022, offering a free spelling and grammar checker for high-quality, error-free documents, and a premium version with additional features and integrations for professionals and individuals


Cordial est un outil de correction d'orthographe et de grammaire en français, gratuit et facile à utiliser

Easy-Peasy AI

Easy-Peasy.AI is an AI content tool with over 170 templates, helping users create various content such as blog posts, resumes, job descriptions, and social media content 10 times faster

Mark Copy AI

MarkCopy AI is an all-in-one content creation tool that uses AI and human teamwork to generate SEO-optimized content, including social media posts, e-commerce product descriptions, and landing pages, with plagiarism checks and more than 40 templates available.
