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AI Tools catalog


43 tools found

No Code

ChatBotKit is a conversational AI platform that allows users to create custom chatbots with advanced features and integrations for messaging platforms like Slack, Discord, and WhatsApp.


EBI.AI is a platform that offers AI assistant services to help businesses automate customer enquiries, personalize customer journeys, and increase loyalty while saving costs.

Developer Tools
Move AI

Move AI is a motion capture and 3D animation tool that uses advanced AI, computer vision, biomechanics, and physics to capture high-quality motion data without the need for suits or markers, and offers single and multi-camera products using phones and standard cameras.


MySocialPulse is a platform that provides corporate insights and emotional intelligence data for businesses to access the social pulse of their customers, consumers, employees, partners, and wider population.

Social Networks

MagicBrief is a platform that allows users to source ad inspiration, view competitor insights, and create winning ads by curating a large collection of successful ads from Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, as well as providing tools for ad analysis and creation

Legal Assistants
LawMate AI

LawMate is an AI legal assistant that offers cost-effective and anonymous legal advice, simplifies legal jargon, and complies with international data protection standards.

Sense 2.0 AI is a comprehensive tool that gathers and organizes information from various sources, providing an instant overview and simplifying information management for individuals and teams.

Vidon AI is a video marketing platform that enables the creation, scheduling, and sharing of videos on social media, while also offering AI-generated video content.

Coachvox AI

Coachvox AI is a platform where users can create AI versions of themselves, trained using their own words and inputs, with internal guidelines to prevent the AI from saying anything against the platform's policies
