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AI Tools catalog


19 tools found

Life Assistants
AiPassportPhotos is a platform that allows users to create and edit passport photos online, offering various formats and sizes to suit different needs and requirements

For Fun

Gemsouls is an artificial intelligence platform that creates virtual characters, aiming to provide a new way for fans to enjoy their favorite characters and for creators to bring fictional beings to life.

Content Creation
Sassbook AI Writer

Sassbook offers an AI Writer that serves as a versatile text generator, capable of creating automatic text summaries, original story content, and more.

Cutout Pro

Cutout.Pro is an AI photo editing and visual content generation platform that leverages artificial intelligence and computer vision to enhance images and videos, offering products for both individual and business use


Datature is a platform that offers AI vision solutions, including developing training datasets, managing large datasets with version controls, customizing labeling workflows, and ensuring data security and privacy

Social Networks
Affable AI is a SaaS-based influencer management platform that provides a complete profile analysis of social media influencers, offering features such as influencer search, content search, outreach, campaigns, reporting, and integration with various platforms

Customer Support
Yuma is an AI-powered customer service platform that automates customer interactions, handles inquiries, and streamlines processes to increase agent productivity, reduce operating costs, and improve customer satisfaction.

NeuralStudio generates avatars, art, logos, and photorealistic images using AI-powered tools like Stable Diffusion, AI Upscaling, and AI filters

Easy-Peasy AI

Easy-Peasy.AI is an AI content tool with over 170 templates, helping users create various content such as blog posts, resumes, job descriptions, and social media content 10 times faster
