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AI Tools catalog


35 tools found

No Code

Textomap is a platform that allows users to create, customize, and embed interactive maps from text sources in seconds, saving time and effort in various applications such as travel itineraries, blog posts, and news articles


Endel is an app that uses personalized soundscapes backed by neuroscience to help with focus, relaxation, and sleep, adapting in real-time to factors like time of day, weather, heart rate, and location


Roketfy is an innovative and data-driven platform that offers smart tools and services to help Etsy sellers boost their sales, optimize listings, and improve search rankings

Assistant Code

AI2sql is a tool that automatically creates SQL statements based on user input, supporting natural language prompts in several languages, and can be used by a wide range of users for a variety of purposes, including data analysis, learning SQL, and improving efficiency, with tailored solutions for enterprises.


Oxolo offers AI-powered video content for e-commerce businesses, providing a 25% discount for first-time users and a 40% increase in organic search traffic for websites featuring videos


SmartFlow AI is a platform that offers pre-built workflows aligned with customer needs, utilizing a complex Generative AI Tech Stack to enable Generative AI and save resources for companies


Beducated is the #1 online platform for sexual health & happiness, offering a unique library of 100+ online courses created by top experts to help individuals improve their love lives within a safe space, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, relationship status, or sexual experience.


Levity is a no-code AI workflow automation platform that is committed to safeguarding data, conducting annual privacy and security audits, and providing valuable insights through analysis without sharing data with third parties

Developer Tools
Databorg AI

DataBorg is an all-in-one knowledge management suite that empowers companies to leverage their data with intelligent solutions, providing high-quality tools to overcome challenges with poor data quality and unlock their full potential for success through AI tools and data-driven insights
