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AI Tools catalog


5 tools found

Human Resources
GitMind AI

GitMind is an AI-powered platform that offers mind mapping, flowcharting, whiteboarding, and other diagramming tools to help users visualize and connect their ideas in an orderly and creative way.

Life Assistants
AiPassportPhotos is a platform that allows users to create and edit passport photos online, offering various formats and sizes to suit different needs and requirements

Cutout Pro

Cutout.Pro is an AI photo editing and visual content generation platform that leverages artificial intelligence and computer vision to enhance images and videos, offering products for both individual and business use


MiGuru is a Chilean job portal that uses artificial intelligence to consolidate job listings from over 400 sources, streamlining the application process and offering AI-powered job application autofill

Media & Entertainment

BrandBird is a powerful image, mockup, and screenshot editor designed for entrepreneurs, founders, marketers, and creators, offering easy-to-use presets, customizable graphics, and a collection of templates for social media and other visual content creation.
