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AI Tools catalog


35 tools found

No Code

Textomap is a platform that allows users to create, customize, and embed interactive maps from text sources in seconds, saving time and effort in various applications such as travel itineraries, blog posts, and news articles

Human Resources
Spoke AI is an AI-powered inbox that summarizes conversations and notifications from various sources, including Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Gmail, to help users prioritize and take action on the most important topics.


Beducated is the #1 online platform for sexual health & happiness, offering a unique library of 100+ online courses created by top experts to help individuals improve their love lives within a safe space, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, relationship status, or sexual experience.

AI Writer is a platform that uses AI to generate unique and informative articles, providing a list of citations and sources for verification, and it is praised for its ability to help increase website traffic and improve search engine rankings


LemonRecruiter is a Chrome extension that automates and improves the effectiveness of recruiters' LinkedIn outreach and job description creation, using advanced natural language processing technology

Media & Entertainment

Neuroflash is a German-based company that specializes in the development of AI-driven content creation software, founded in 2021 by a team of experts in neuropsychology, data sciences, and artificial intelligence, that assists businesses in producing more engaging content.

Resume Studio

The Resumé Studio offers expert advice and resources for crafting the perfect resume, tailored to your industry and career goals.

No Code

Bravo Studio is a no-code app builder that streamlines the process of turning Figma designs into interactive prototypes, making it easier to showcase ideas and publish apps without the hassle of app store submissions


Levity is a no-code AI workflow automation platform that is committed to safeguarding data, conducting annual privacy and security audits, and providing valuable insights through analysis without sharing data with third parties
