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AI Tools catalog


16 tools found

ChatGPT LinkedIn Email Generator

Truebase's AI-generated data helps ChatGPT create hyper-personalized LinkedIn emails, increasing response rates and saving time

Rooms is a platform where users can create and customize virtual rooms by adding, editing, and coding various elements to their liking.


Amper Music is an AI-powered platform that allows users to create and edit music with ease, offering a user-friendly interface and a wide range of creative options

Content Creation
Magical AI

Magical AI is a free AI writing assistant that automates tasks such as typing repetitive messages and updating databases, and it can be used on various apps like Gmail, Zendesk, Salesforce, and LinkedIn, powered by the GPT3.5 model and integrated with OpenAI for prompt submission

Ai Detection

GPTZero is an AI detector that provides granular detail to observe AI usage across institutions and guide policies for promoting innovative and healthy use of AI.

TalkPal AI

TalkPal is a GPT-powered AI language tutor that aims to revolutionize language learning by providing an engaging, interactive, and personalized experience for users around the world

HyperWrite AI

HyperWrite is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps users generate copy, refine writing, and speed up their workflow. It offers hundreds of AI tools, including AutoWrite, TypeAhead, and Email Response, to assist with various writing tasks and improve productivity

Text Generators
Free Essay Generator

AcademicHelp's Free Essay Generator is an AI-powered tool that helps students research, write, and cite their papers, making the process more efficient and accessible.

Assistant Code
Continual AI is a platform that allows users to build their own AI copilot, deeply integrated with their data and APIs, to automate user workflows, provide instant answers, and build unique AI product features.
