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AI Tools catalog


206 tools found


Upheal is an AI-powered therapy app that prioritizes privacy and data security, and offers a Zoom integration to make therapy more accessible.

Hemingway App

Hemingway Editor is a classic desktop app that allows users to save and load files offline, with no AI integration

HyperWrite AI

HyperWrite is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps users generate copy, refine writing, and speed up their workflow. It offers hundreds of AI tools, including AutoWrite, TypeAhead, and Email Response, to assist with various writing tasks and improve productivity

Social Networks

Syllaby is an AI-powered platform that offers services such as video script generation, content suggestions, language translation, data analysis, and virtual assistants with transparent pricing and a 7-day free trial.

Human Resources
Leet Resumes

LeetCode is a platform that offers a variety of coding problems and solutions for developers to practice and improve their skills.


Craiyon is a free AI image generator tool that allows users to create AI art from text prompts


Wisdolia is a platform that allows users to create flashcards in seconds using AI-powered technology and personalized feedback.

Spark Engine

Spark Engine is an AI-driven platform designed to revolutionize web app development with its Loop Automated React Architecture, streamlining the app creation process and enabling businesses to quickly develop and deploy AI applications

Flair AI

Flair AI is an AI-powered design tool that creates branded product photographs for businesses, using various AI algorithms to design images for advertisements, e-commerce businesses, or online websites, and allows users to describe the scene and objects they want in the image, then uses AI to convert their text into stunning images.
