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AI Tools catalog


203 tools found

Developer Tools
Hugging Face

Hugging Face is an AI community that builds open-source machine learning tools, including state-of-the-art models for PyTorch, TensorFlow, and JAX, as well as diffusion models for image and audio generation.


Hayo is an AI-integrated mobile application that offers AI chat, AI art creation, AI tool recommendation, and technological innovation communication, aiming to provide a highly creative and convenient AI experience

Gamma App

Gamma App is an online platform that allows users to generate AI presentations, webpages, and documents with features such as online publishing, analytics, and the ability to embed various media types, aiming to make content more engaging and easier to consume

Current AI

Current Report is a news website that covers a wide range of topics including politics, business, technology, and entertainment.

Developer Tools
Fast AI is a deep learning library that aims to make deep learning more accessible and diverse, with a focus on practical applications and real-world problems

Language Learning
Lingostar AI is an AI-powered platform that helps users practice live conversations in multiple languages, providing feedback and analysis to improve their language skills


OpenArt is a website that offers an AI art generator allowing users to create AI-generated images and explore hundreds of variations of their original image.


MathGPTPro is a website related to mathematics.

Human Resources
Leet Resumes

LeetCode is a platform that offers a variety of coding problems and solutions for developers to practice and improve their skills.
