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AI Tools catalog


207 tools found


LogicBalls is a platform offering a variety of free AI tools, including a paraphrasing tool, Instagram caption generator, and Facebook ad generator, designed to enhance content creation across different domains and social media platforms

Search Engine

Searcholic is an AI-powered search engine for eBooks and documents that is committed to protecting users' privacy and ensuring the security of their personal information.

Storytelling Generator
StoryBird is a platform that enhances storytelling by combining human creativity with AI-generated content.


Avaturn is a realistic 3D avatar creator and system for games, apps, and metaverses, allowing users to generate and customize true-to-life avatars with body types, hairstyles, clothes, and accessories, and it offers integration tutorials and SDKs for developers

HyperWrite AI

HyperWrite is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps users generate copy, refine writing, and speed up their workflow. It offers hundreds of AI tools, including AutoWrite, TypeAhead, and Email Response, to assist with various writing tasks and improve productivity

Ai Detection

Copyleaks is an AI-based platform that offers text analysis to detect potential plagiarism, AI-generated content, and copyright infringement in over 100 languages, with a focus on data security and privacy

GPT Cheat Sheet

The ChatGPT Cheat Sheet is a collection of favorite prompts, third-party software products, and general tips for entrepreneurs to enhance their business processes and improve customer engagement

Search Engine
ChatGPT For Search Engines

Chatonai is an extension that optimizes the user experience of ChatGPT on search engines by displaying its responses alongside search results and providing prompt templates.

Aomni AI

Aomni is a platform that offers personalized AI for sales teams, providing account research, opportunity analysis, and tailored sales content to help increase revenue and efficiency in B2B sales.
