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AI Tools catalog


24 tools found


PaperBrain is a platform that offers study resources, including notes, flashcards, and guides, to help students with their academic pursuits.

Human Resources
CareerDekho AI is an AI-driven career discovery tool that helps job seekers and employers find the perfect career fit with personalized advice from AI, and it has already been used by over 26,000 people.


The Parentivity Bot is an AI-powered parenting assistant that offers personalized support and guidance to parents, helping them foster positive growth and development in their children

Websites & Design
Sivi AI

Sivi is a generative AI tool that turns text and prompts into high-quality visual designs for various purposes, such as display ads, banners, social media, and business promotions, allowing for easy customization and brand alignment

Text To Speech

The TextToSample plugin from Samplab is an AI-powered sample generator available as a free standalone or VST3 plugin, allowing users to generate samples by providing text prompts or audio inputs, and it is designed to work on various operating systems and hardware.

Ai Useful is a platform that provides general information and resources related to various topics, including technology, business, and personal development.

Life Assistants
Gita GPT

Gita GPT is an AI-powered platform that uses the Bhagavad Gita to provide solutions to your life's queries and offer insights into life's decisions

Social Networks

TweetEmote is an AI-powered tweet assistant that helps users express their thoughts and feelings in tweets with the right words, analyzing the text input and proposing the most appropriate emotion to use in the tweet.

Gen Z Translator

Blenny AI is a browser extension that enhances your web experience by providing AI vision and quick actions, such as instant summaries, translations, and web access, tailored to your needs.
