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AI Tools catalog


27 tools found

Amazing AI

Sindre Sorhus is a full-time open-sourcerer and aspiring rebel who is known for his work on various apps and code projects.

Real Estate offers an AI interior design service that generates realistic visualizations based on a user's selected room type and interior design style, providing customized design concepts in just 3 days for £99

Corrector App

Corrector App is a grammar and spelling tool that helps users improve their written English skills by identifying and correcting mistakes, providing contextual grammar checks, and offering smart recommendations for better sentence structure and word choice

Audio Diary

Audio Diary is an intelligent voice diary that uses AI to help you capture moments, practice gratitude, and achieve goals, prioritizing security, simplicity, and success.

Glass Health AI

Glass Health offers an AI-powered clinical decision support platform that empowers clinicians with differential diagnoses and clinical plans based on patient summaries and evidence-based guidelines, aiming to improve diagnostic accuracy and patient outcomes worldwide

Life Assistants
Sports Prediction AI

Sports Prediction AI is an AI tool that uses the latest AI technology to analyze and process data from various sources to generate accurate predictions for premier sports events around the globe, providing users with investment advice service to make informed decisions on their sports investments.

Songs Like X

Songs Like X is a platform that offers a similar song finder and playlist generator, allowing users to input their favorite track and receive a playlist of similar songs, with an exclusive offer for a Songs Like X Pro subscription.

My AskAI

MyAskAI is a website that allows users to create their own AI customer support assistant.


Auxworld is a diverse and imaginative online platform offering unique adventures, from soccer in a snowy New York to a universe spun from a Taylor Swift song.
