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AI Tools catalog


206 tools found


Hayo is an AI-integrated mobile application that offers AI chat, AI art creation, AI tool recommendation, and technological innovation communication, aiming to provide a highly creative and convenient AI experience


Let's Roam is a popular AI travel planner and scavenger hunt app that has helped millions of users explore the world and connect with others

Ai Detection
Content At Scale

Content at Scale is an AI platform that can produce original, research-backed content in minutes, resembling human writing, with a focus on cost-saving and efficiency.


PromptHero is a platform for searching prompts for Stable Diffusion, ChatGPT & Midjourney, featuring various creative elements such as detailed concept art and high-quality images.

Social Networks
Creatus AI is an AI-powered social media video creator and manager.

Metaphor Systems

Metaphor Systems is a search engine based on generative AI that is trained to predict the next link, similar to how GPT-3 predicts the next word.

Briefly AI

BrieflyAI is a platform that provides AI meeting summaries, insights, and follow-ups, allowing users to transcribe and summarize conversations, generate AI summaries, and compose follow-up emails.

Codepal AI

CodePal is a comprehensive coding platform that offers a range of coding helpers and tools to assist developers, making it suitable for students, beginners, experienced developers, and companies looking to improve their development process

Life Assistants
Glass It Price Tracker

Glass It is a browser extension that helps users monitor online deals and discounts, allowing them to save money and shop when prices drop
