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Paddle is a payment infrastructure and merchant of record for SaaS companies, handling billing, payments, tax, and subscription management for over 4,000 customers, and processing millions of transactions

Poly ai

PolyAI offers conversational AI solutions for various industries, including banking, healthcare, travel, and hospitality, with voice assistants that can be customized and deployed in multiple languages, providing real-time insights and resolving calls in heavy use cases

Creaitor AI is an AI writing tool that helps users create content in a more powerful and emotionally expressive way, offering various monthly plans with different features and capabilities


Varos is a platform that allows users to compare marketing key performance indicators (KPIs) to their competitors in real-time, providing insights to make strategic budget allocations and improve ad performance


EBI.AI is a platform that offers AI assistant services to help businesses automate customer enquiries, personalize customer journeys, and increase loyalty while saving costs.

Coachvox AI

Coachvox AI is a platform where users can create AI versions of themselves, trained using their own words and inputs, with internal guidelines to prevent the AI from saying anything against the platform's policies

Cordless is a contact center phone system for customer support teams, known for its quick setup, asynchronous phone support, and providing insights for scaling and saving time and money


Phrasee is an AI-powered platform that helps enterprise marketers create, test, and optimize marketing messages using data-driven content generation and real-time language insights, aiming to improve engagement and drive marketing results.


Flowpoint is an AI-powered website analytics tool that helps uncover reasons for user drop-off, allowing you to understand and improve user behavior and engagement.
