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AI Tools catalog


126 tools found


AI Cadences by Klenty is a feature that helps sales teams build sales sequences, call scripts, and LinkedIn follow-up messages for every sales scenario up to 5 times faster, with personalized, multi-touch, multi-channel sequences created in seconds.

Artificial Intelligence
Faraday AI is a platform that uses AI to improve business performance by providing predictions and insights for various aspects of marketing and sales, such as lead scoring, churn prevention, and customer engagement

Project Management
Height Copilot

Copilot is an AI project manager that offloads manual and tedious parts of project management, writes status updates, tracks tasks, and provides instant summaries of messages.

Project Management
Tara AI 1.0 AI

Tara AI is a product delivery platform that helps engineering teams maximize their impact and scale product delivery, providing real-time insights and alerts on delivery, and aggregating and reconciling performance data at the team and project level.

Human Resources

Loxo is a recruiting CRM ATS Talent Intelligence Platform, offering a user interface and product design aimed at simplifying the candidate management process

Skillroads is an AI-powered platform offering resume building, cover letter creation, and job search services, including Fortune 500 job opportunities and career tips.


QuillBot is an AI-powered writing tool that offers a free online grammar checker, paraphrasing guide, and login access for users to improve their writing.

Regard is a technology company that builds tools to streamline clinical, CDI, and revenue cycle efforts to improve hospital finances, patient safety, and physician happiness.


MonkeyLearn is an all-in-one text analysis and data visualization platform that simplifies the process of cleaning, labeling, and visualizing customer feedback, enabling users to gain instant insights and create custom machine learning models for tasks like sentiment analysis and topic classification
