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AI Tools catalog


186 tools found

Zappr AI

Zappr.AI is an AI-powered chatbot platform that enables businesses to engage, support, and convert customers with 24/7 availability, 3x faster resolutions, and 97%+ customer satisfaction.

Saga AI

Saga AI is an AI-powered workspace that allows users to create new content, brainstorm ideas, translate, check grammar, and rewrite text in just a few clicks, and it uses the most advanced available large language models developed by providers such as OpenAI and Anthropic.

Real Estate offers an AI interior design service that generates realistic visualizations based on a user's selected room type and interior design style, providing customized design concepts in just 3 days for £99

Flawless AI

Flawless AI is a filmmaking tool that uses DeepEditor to create new dialogue and avoid the costs of physically filmed reshoots, and is designed to integrate seamlessly into film production, localization, and distribution workflows.


Superflows is an AI Copilot that can be built and deployed in a day, connecting to your API and allowing users to get answers and perform tasks via chat, with a control dashboard to configure the product assistant easily.


Albus is an AI-powered platform that helps users explore, learn, and create with the assistance of large language models and machine learning services, saving time and attention while sparking new ideas

Legal Assistants
LawMate AI

LawMate is an AI legal assistant that offers cost-effective and anonymous legal advice, simplifies legal jargon, and complies with international data protection standards.

Holly is an AI-powered recruiting platform that automates the hiring process and integrates with existing systems, offering services such as candidate data access, outreach, and data privacy considerations.

Founderfit by Koble AI

Koble's Founderfit helps startups and investors connect, providing data-driven insights and improving the funding process
