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AI Tools catalog


1128 tools found

Flamme AI

FlammeAI is an AI love-guru and relationship advice platform available on the Flamme - The Couples App, providing general informational purposes only.

Legal Assistants

PatentPal is a generative AI tool that automates mechanical writing in patent applications, making the process simple and intuitive for users.

Developer Tools
CodeComplete AI is an AI coding assistant for enterprise, offering a suite of coding tools, self-hosted deployment options, and models fine-tuned on your codebase and permissively-licensed repositories.


CustomGPT is a platform that allows users to create their own personalized ChatGPT chatbot using their own business content, enabling personalized conversational responses for improved employee efficiency and customer experience

Ask Poppy

Poppylist is a website that offers a free texting bot called Ask Poppy, powered by OpenAI, to answer pregnancy/baby related questions and provides an extended family-like community that helps parents stay up to date with the latest news, product recalls, and exclusive promotions.

Search Engine

GigaBrain is a search engine that scans billions of online comments and discussions from platforms like Reddit to provide users with useful and relevant answers, automatically threading together the most useful answers with source citations and allowing users to gather feedback and opinions on products and places

Files & Spreadsheets

BrainyPDF is a platform that aims to bring documents to life, allowing users to interact and chat with PDF files.

Website Builders
Showspace is a platform that offers AI-powered portfolio websites, allowing users to create professional-looking websites and showcase their accomplishments

Developer Tools

Clarifai is a leading computer vision AI platform that offers a unified, full lifecycle platform for managing image, text, video, and audio data, and provides expert AI tools and services to help enterprises accelerate their adoption of AI.
