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AI Tools catalog


1136 tools found

Shulex VOC ChatGPT Copilot for Ecommerce

VOC AI is an AI/ChatGPT tool that helps sellers identify market opportunities and define winning products by leveraging sentiment analysis and AI technology.

Life Assistants
Woebot Health

Woebot Health is an AI-powered platform that creates interventions for specific uses and patient populations, available for new users in the United States and offering a range of career opportunities.

Legal Assistants
Lex Machina

Lex Machina is a legal analytics firm that provides accurate, complete, and transparent analytic data, as well as exclusive outcome analytics that you can only find in Lex Machina, compiled, cleaned, and enhanced by a unique combination of machine learning and in-house legal experts, and updated every 24 hours.


Hayo is an AI-integrated mobile application that offers AI chat, AI art creation, AI tool recommendation, and technological innovation communication, aiming to provide a highly creative and convenient AI experience


FlowiseAI is an open-source UI visual tool built with LangchainJS, allowing users to easily create customized LLM (Large Language Models) apps using Node Typescript/Javascript, and it supports Docker for deployment

People AI is a revenue intelligence solution that uses AI-driven insights to identify deals that are unqualified, missing key personas, or simply neglected, and helps businesses engage the right people, in the right accounts, at the right time.

Human Resources
Eightfold is an AI-powered talent acquisition and recruiting platform that uses skills, potential, and learnability to intelligently match people to projects and transform hiring processes, aiming to hire, retain, and grow a diverse workforce faster than ever before

Life Assistants
Rewind AI

Rewind is a privacy-first, AI-powered app that helps users stay organized and focused, offering personalized experiences for note-taking and productivity.


AlphaResearch is a powerful AI-driven research platform that provides unique insights, reduces time to discovery, and helps save hundreds of hours of research for investors and executives
