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AI Tools catalog


63 tools found

Developer Tools
arGPT for Monocle

Brilliant Labs is a Discord server where brilliant hackers and AR enthusiasts share their projects for Monocle, offering a platform for learning and collaboration

JD Generator

The HireQuotient Free Job Description Generator uses AI automation to help create diverse-optimized job descriptions, saving time and attracting a wider pool of applicants, with the potential to increase applicants by 5 times

Assistant Code
Codesquire AI is an AI code writing assistant for data scientists, engineers, and analysts, offering code completions and suggestions as you type

Stock AI

Stock AI is a platform that offers an AI Art Generator for creating stunning artwork, including AI-generated free stock images across various categories such as nature, anime, cartoon, superhero, and more.

Easy-Peasy AI

Easy-Peasy.AI is an AI content tool with over 170 templates, helping users create various content such as blog posts, resumes, job descriptions, and social media content 10 times faster

Artificial Intelligence

MakerGPT is a platform that allows users to create custom Generative AI tools, including chatbots and GPT-powered forms, without any coding knowledge.

Trade Foresight

Trade Foresight is a global trade platform that provides businesses with insights, information, and tools necessary to succeed in international trade, including personalized dashboards, global trade analytics, and a trader's lounge.


Adaface offers an AI-powered resume screening tool that uses historical data to shortlist and score new candidates based on their qualifications, skills, and experience, making it easier for recruiters to find the best candidates.

Amy by, a leading company in the crypto industry with over 80 million customers, has introduced its first AI-powered initiative, Amy, to provide real-time information and serve as a crypto expert resource for users
