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AI Tools catalog


26 tools found

Marketing is a purpose-built AI that generates benefits and features for products, resonating with customers on a deeper level.

Chatbot AI

ChatBot is an AI chat bot software that scans websites, help centers, or other designated resources to provide quick and accurate answers to customer questions, offering a free 14-day trial and no credit card required

AI Chat

The AI Chat from is a highly adaptable chat technology powered by GPT that enables customers to receive highly personalized and instant on-demand answers faster, automating communication with customers and moving support teams to more important tasks.

Websites & Design
Shuffle is a chat-based template builder that uses AI and offers various online editors for popular CSS frameworks, UI components, and templates for different industries.

No Code

Riku.AI is a platform that allows users to build no-code prompts and datasets for AI models, embed AI into chat tools, prompt apps, workflows, websites, and more, and get human feedback to understand how users respond to each generation of models and apps.

GetResponse Email Generator

GetResponse's AI Email Generator uses innovative GPT-3.5 technology to create engaging emails in record time, tailored to industry trends and specific keywords, leading to a significant decrease in email creation time for users.

For Fun
Vee is an intelligent consultant that has spoken with millions of people, effectively implementing business processes for various companies across different industries.


Typly is an AI-powered typing assistant app that suggests automatically generated sentences that match the context of the conversation, allowing users to generate responses fast and easy.

Surfer Seo

Surfer is a Content Intelligence platform that helps writers, content managers, and agencies to scale their content efforts, automate their SEO workflow, and rank higher and faster than ever before, with subscriptions available in four tiers of plans.
