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AI Tools catalog


61 tools found

Digital First AI

Digital First AI is a future-proof marketing platform that uses AI to determine and execute the most effective marketing tactics, catering to over 9000 marketers and entrepreneurs globally.

Iris AI is a comprehensive research platform that offers AI-powered tools for various aspects of research processing, including smart search, filtering, extraction, and summarization of data, allowing researchers to focus on value creation and adapt to their specific fields

Art Generator is an AI-powered platform that offers free AI art generation and enhancement tools, as well as access to millions of public domain images.

Amazing AI

Sindre Sorhus is a full-time open-sourcerer and aspiring rebel who is known for his work on various apps and code projects.

Basmo Chatbook

Basmo is an app that helps you achieve your reading goals by tracking your progress, analyzing your reading habits, and providing insightful statistics about your reading speed, frequency of reading sessions, and emotional state while reading. It also allows you to set reading goals, create a reading schedule, and keep a reading journal to improve your reading experience


Vidby is a Switzerland-based company that offers fast and automated video translation and dubbing services in over 50 languages, using AI technology to help businesses and content creators reach a wider audience and attract customers

Artificial Intelligence

SEOwind is an AI writing tool designed to quickly provide essential SEO data, streamline content creation, and generate high-quality, long-form, and SEO-optimized articles, making it a valuable resource for driving organic traffic and achieving online success

Social Networks
HirePeople is a website with an untitled document and an email address listed for contact.


Typewise is an AI Communication Assistant that can significantly increase customer service and sales productivity, saving time and cost through features like text prediction, auto-completion, and magic reply, with a 3-4X return on investment
