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AI Tools catalog


1136 tools found

TalkPal AI

TalkPal is a GPT-powered AI language tutor that aims to revolutionize language learning by providing an engaging, interactive, and personalized experience for users around the world

Human Resources

Textio is a platform that helps in hiring and retaining a diverse team by analyzing and providing insights on the language used in job listings and employer brand content

No Code

ThinkDiffusion is a platform that offers Stable Diffusion in the Cloud, allowing users to create and control animations and videos with ease.

Websites & Design

Bubble AI is an artificial intelligence tool integrated into the Bubble platform.

Skills AI Chat AI allows users to interact with an AI data chat system, enabling them to ask data-related questions, generate charts, and receive immediate answers and analyses in a streamlined and efficient manner.

Vowel AI

Vowel is a video conferencing and meeting software powered by AI that offers features such as real-time AI-powered summary, action items, transcript, recording, live transcription, search, and instant recall.


EnhanceDocs is an AI-powered assistant that helps employees find documentation on productivity tools such as Notion, Google Drive, Confluence, SharePoint, and OneDrive, saving teams hours of work and making it easier and faster to find information.

Developer Tools

Mixpeek is an AI-powered tool that enables contextual search across videos, images, audio, and text with just one line of code, allowing users to accurately find and categorize news clips, interviews, images, or articles based on specific queries.

Chrome Extensions
BetterLegal Assistant

BetterLegal offers an Assistant service, which provides guidance and support for business owners in handling legal paperwork and formalities.
