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AI Tools catalog


61 tools found

Tisane API AI

Tisane Labs offers APIs to analyze and understand text in various languages, detecting cyberbullying, hate speech, sexual harassment, and more in nearly 30 languages

Easy-Peasy AI

Easy-Peasy.AI is an AI content tool with over 170 templates, helping users create various content such as blog posts, resumes, job descriptions, and social media content 10 times faster


Wonderchat is an AI-powered chatbot tool that uses custom GPT models to provide accurate and tailored responses to customer queries, ensuring a seamless and satisfying customer experience.

Snap Innovations

Snap Innovations is a technology company that provides innovative solutions to clients in the fintech industry using cutting-edge AI and market connectivity.

Customer Support

HelpLook is a product developed by Guangzhou Weipai Information Technology Co., Ltd., a company focused on standard SaaS development, which allows for the rapid creation of product help centers, knowledge bases, and official blogs, featuring an easy-to-use editing management backend and integrated ChatGPT AI search functionality


Chai is a platform for two-way AI communications, providing a cutting-edge smartphone app and web platform that allows users to chat with AI chatbots, with numerous bots available and a Python library called chaipy for bot programming

For Fun

Gemsouls is an artificial intelligence platform that creates virtual characters, aiming to provide a new way for fans to enjoy their favorite characters and for creators to bring fictional beings to life.

Tammy AI

Tammy.AI is a platform that helps users save time on YouTube by providing AI-generated summaries and insights.
