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AI Tools catalog


32 tools found

Lyro by Tidio

Tidio's Lyro is an AI-powered conversational chatbot that analyzes customer questions and delivers human-like answers in seconds, reducing customers' waiting time and increasing their satisfaction.

AI Reviews

EmbedSocial's AI Reviews feature is a ground-breaking widget that uses artificial intelligence to summarize and generate reviews, helping businesses showcase and manage customer feedback more effectively

Human Resources
Qureos Resume Builder

Qureos offers a free online resume builder designed to help job seekers create a winning resume that showcases their work, personality, and skills, based on feedback from 1,000+ users, recruiter expertise, and hiring best practices.

Storytelling Generator
Novel is a website that provides a dedicated and powerful toolset for professionals to tell their story.

Surfer Seo

Surfer is a Content Intelligence platform that helps writers, content managers, and agencies to scale their content efforts, automate their SEO workflow, and rank higher and faster than ever before, with subscriptions available in four tiers of plans.

GetResponse Email Generator

GetResponse's AI Email Generator uses innovative GPT-3.5 technology to create engaging emails in record time, tailored to industry trends and specific keywords, leading to a significant decrease in email creation time for users.

Art Generator is an AI-powered platform that offers free AI art generation and enhancement tools, as well as access to millions of public domain images.


Typly is an AI-powered typing assistant app that suggests automatically generated sentences that match the context of the conversation, allowing users to generate responses fast and easy.

glowy AI

Glowy AI is a website that offers personalized skincare treatment plans tailored to unique skincare needs and concerns, with visible results in 8-12 weeks, using expert consultation and quality product recommendations
