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AI Tools catalog


20 tools found

No Code

Apphive is a powerful app builder that allows the creation of dynamic mobile applications without writing code, offering features such as drag-and-drop elements, customization, and publishing to the Play Store and App Store

Text To Speech

Respeecher is a voice cloning software designed for content creators, including filmmakers and game developers, to replicate voices with impeccable quality and full creative control, emphasizing ethical use of the technology

AI Reviews

EmbedSocial's AI Reviews feature is a ground-breaking widget that uses artificial intelligence to summarize and generate reviews, helping businesses showcase and manage customer feedback more effectively

Aiter is a platform that provides one-click AI ads, AI content, and strategy ideas for businesses looking to improve their online presence and streamline their marketing efforts.

Human Resources

Effy AI is a free performance management software for teams that simplifies HR processes and provides a flexible tool for surveys.

Content Creation
Upwex is a Chrome extension that streamlines the freelancing process on Upwork, offering advanced features such as AI proposal and Q&A, CRM synchronization, and job post rating.


Sketchar is an AI-based mobile app that revolutionizes the way people learn creative skills, with personalized drawing courses and a focus on providing a fulfilling experience for both beginners and professional artists.

Developer Tools

Code Genius is an AI-powered tool that helps developers write better code by automatically generating clear and concise documentation, boosting performance, and creating unit tests


Flatlogic is an AI-powered platform that generates codebase of an enterprise business web app, including front-end, back-end, and database, saving at least a month of work, and offers web and mobile templates and admin dashboards to build web and mobile applications faster.
