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AI Tools catalog


30 tools found

Artificial Intelligence

SEOwind is an AI writing tool designed to quickly provide essential SEO data, streamline content creation, and generate high-quality, long-form, and SEO-optimized articles, making it a valuable resource for driving organic traffic and achieving online success

AI Chat

The AI Chat from is a highly adaptable chat technology powered by GPT that enables customers to receive highly personalized and instant on-demand answers faster, automating communication with customers and moving support teams to more important tasks.

Lyro by Tidio

Tidio's Lyro is an AI-powered conversational chatbot that analyzes customer questions and delivers human-like answers in seconds, reducing customers' waiting time and increasing their satisfaction.

Digital First AI

Digital First AI is a future-proof marketing platform that uses AI to determine and execute the most effective marketing tactics, catering to over 9000 marketers and entrepreneurs globally.

AI Studio

HookSounds Studio is a platform that offers a collection of over 3000 original music tracks and sound effects, created by experienced musicians, to enhance creative projects with harmonious melodies.


Ajelix is a platform that offers a variety of AI Excel tools and data visualization solutions, including an AI Excel formula generator, a data visualization tool called Ajelix BI, and more than 20 AI tools for spreadsheets.

Developer Tools
rankode AI

Rankode AI is a tool that uses GitHub or existing code to generate personalized reports on programmer skills without the need for coding tests


PyTorch is a machine learning library that provides tools and libraries for the development of computer vision, NLP, and more, with features such as distributed training, a robust ecosystem, and cloud support, and it is well supported on major cloud platforms

Websites & Design
Shuffle is a chat-based template builder that uses AI and offers various online editors for popular CSS frameworks, UI components, and templates for different industries.
