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AI Tools catalog


221 tools found

Human Resources

Rise Calendar is a scheduling tool designed to help users manage their time more effectively by scheduling, optimizing, and protecting their day.

Pixels AI

Pixels AI is an AI-powered platform that amplifies premium video using your player, your ads, and your content, recommends relevant videos for articles, and provides full editorial and commercial control.

Website Planet

The Dummy Image Generator on Website Planet is a free tool that allows you to quickly and easily create placeholder images for websites and landing pages, helping you visualize the overall design and layout while waiting for the actual images to be ready

Speech To Text

Verble is an AI speechwriting assistant designed to help users master the art of verbal persuasion and storytelling, offering guidance on tailoring messages for different types of speeches

Eilla AI

Eilla AI is a platform that automates mundane tasks and supports complex decision-making in the M&A, VC, and PE deal workflow, mirroring high-quality industry professionals


NLSQL is a B2B SaaS platform that provides an intuitive text interface to convert natural language into SQL queries, allowing users to retrieve data from databases and make data-driven decisions, with a focus on healthcare and business intelligence applications

Founderfit by Koble AI

Koble's Founderfit helps startups and investors connect, providing data-driven insights and improving the funding process

Files & Spreadsheets

Luminal is a platform that offers AI-powered assistance to clean, transform, and analyze spreadsheets at a much faster rate.

AI Plagiarism Checker offers an AI plagiarism checker and content detector that helps teachers and students ensure they read human-written texts and protects checked papers from being leaked, as AI plagiarism uses distinct words from multiple sources, composing longer phrases or word constructions, making it almost unattainable to use traditional methods to check for AI plagiarism.
