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AI Tools catalog


40 tools found

Customer Support is an enterprise-ready conversational AI platform that automates customer service with AI-powered chat and voice bots, creates personalized connections between customers and brands, and manages high traffic, increases customer satisfaction, and reduces costs.

Artificial Intelligence

SEOwind is an AI writing tool designed to quickly provide essential SEO data, streamline content creation, and generate high-quality, long-form, and SEO-optimized articles, making it a valuable resource for driving organic traffic and achieving online success

Lyro by Tidio

Tidio's Lyro is an AI-powered conversational chatbot that analyzes customer questions and delivers human-like answers in seconds, reducing customers' waiting time and increasing their satisfaction.

Surfer Seo

Surfer is a Content Intelligence platform that helps writers, content managers, and agencies to scale their content efforts, automate their SEO workflow, and rank higher and faster than ever before, with subscriptions available in four tiers of plans.


CopyMonkey is an AI-powered tool that helps users create optimized Amazon listings by generating keyword-optimized bullet points and descriptions, ensuring that sellers don't miss out on important keywords that customers are searching for

3D model
Sloyd is a platform that uses generative AI to create 3D models from text prompts, allowing users to generate 3D models online for free and contribute to the platform's growth.


Ajelix is a platform that offers a variety of AI Excel tools and data visualization solutions, including an AI Excel formula generator, a data visualization tool called Ajelix BI, and more than 20 AI tools for spreadsheets.

Cradl AI

Cradl AI is a no-code AI platform that automates document workflows for business critical document automation, offering fully customizable AI validator, encrypted transmission, and seamless integration with automation tools

AI Chat

The AI Chat from is a highly adaptable chat technology powered by GPT that enables customers to receive highly personalized and instant on-demand answers faster, automating communication with customers and moving support teams to more important tasks.
