GPTZero is an AI detector that provides granular detail to observe AI usage across institutions and guide policies for promoting innovative and healthy use of AI.
Clari is a revenue platform that offers a unified system to run revenue, providing full visibility across the entire funnel, and helping to predict the full lead and deal lifecycle.
Socratic is a learning platform that covers various subjects, provides visual explanations, and uses Google AI for text and speech recognition, catering to both teachers and students.
AcademicHelp's Free Essay Generator is an AI-powered tool that helps students research, write, and cite their papers, making the process more efficient and accessible.
Wonder Dynamics is a website that allows users to upload their own 3D models or use free characters from the artist community to create content in Wonder Studio.
eMastered is an online mastering engine created by Grammy-winning engineers and powered by AI, allowing users to quickly and easily master their tracks for free.
LOVO AI is an advanced AI voice generator and text-to-speech tool that offers over 500 AI voices, 20 emotions, and 150 languages, and also has its own AI writer, art generator, and video editor, making it a versatile tool for content production.
WellSaid Labs is the top AI voice platform used by thousands of companies to create engaging content and experiences, allowing users to control tone, punctuation, and emphasis using AI voices.