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AI Tools catalog


127 tools found


Avoma is an AI Meeting Assistant that automatically transcribes, summarizes, and analyzes meetings to provide actionable Conversation Intelligence, offering features such as agenda templates, recordings, and transcripts, as well as the ability to capture and share key moments from conversations

Level AI is an AI solutions provider for call centers that offers real-time answers to customer questions from across the enterprise stack and multiple integrations with apps from across the tech stack.


Rasgo is a generative AI platform that uses specialized knowledge of an enterprise to guide itself through data environments, seeking out valuable insights and optimizing for high-value analytical work

No Code

Roboflow is a computer vision platform used by over 250,000 engineers to create datasets, train models, and deploy to production, with tools for each stage of the computer vision pipeline that will streamline workflows and supercharge productivity.

Human Resources

Loxo is a recruiting CRM ATS Talent Intelligence Platform, offering a user interface and product design aimed at simplifying the candidate management process

Unlearn AI

Unlearn.AI is a healthcare AI company that is building the preeminent AI company in healthcare and is hiring ambitious, gritty innovators with the determination to build the future.

Legal Assistants

LegalMation is an AI platform that automates the drafting of legal documents, such as responses to lawsuits and discovery requests, tailored to the specific claims and allegations in the legal document, aiming to transform how lawyers work and deliver value

B2B Rocket

B2B Rocket is an AI-powered platform that revolutionizes the B2B sales process by autonomously navigating the entire sales lifecycle, from lead identification to conversion, aiming to drive revenue growth and sales efficiency.

Developer Tools
Assembly AI

AssemblyAI is a company that provides AI models for transcribing and understanding speech, with a vision to create new, superhuman Speech AI models that will unlock entirely new classes of applications and products to be built leveraging voice data.
